Friday, October 23, 2009

Maintaining Trust in the Face of Adversity

The intensification of light is bringing about a confrontation in a more intense way with energies of darkness and negativity both in oneself and in others. For some, this may erupt into relationship difficulties where none or few existed before. For others, it may be felt as a sense of malaise, uneasiness, or depression, with no external cause being apparent.

The underlying beliefs that have accompanied you into this lifetime that are in need of healing are being addressed progressively as light on the Earth intensifies, and these beliefs often challenge the ability of the conscious self to keep its inner house in order and often to keep its outer life in order as well.

Trusting the progress that is being made during this time of difficulty is an essential part of how to hold light in darkness. Knowing that the light is beneath whatever wave of darkness one is passing through is a way of maintaining an anchor in truth and in hope.

In the presence of adversity, hold to the power of light over darkness and to the power of your own soul which has chosen to be here during this very time of difficulty, not to be overcome, but to help others through your presence here.

May all be blessed. Amen.

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